[Opensg-users] OpenSG 2: client server communication and render action
Victor Haefner
2014-06-05 15:42:36 UTC

When changing options of the render action like frustum or occlusion
culling or even just using the statistics foreground will not work with
cluster servers.

I guess it is because the cluster server has its own render action.

Is there a way to sync the render actions?

Moreover, is there a way I can use the opensg communication between client
and server to pass my own stuff to the server? maybe attach something to
the root node?
If yes then I could also use that to change options for the server render

Thanks for the help!

Best regards,
Carsten Neumann
2014-06-06 08:31:37 UTC
Hello Victor,
Post by Victor Haefner
When changing options of the render action like frustum or occlusion
culling or even just using the statistics foreground will not work with
cluster servers.
I guess it is because the cluster server has its own render action.
Is there a way to sync the render actions?
IIRC System/Window/Base/OSGRenderOptions should do that.
Post by Victor Haefner
Moreover, is there a way I can use the opensg communication between
client and server to pass my own stuff to the server? maybe attach
something to the root node?
If yes then I could also use that to change options for the server
render action.
In past projects we have used something like the attached
NamedContainerAttachment attached to e.g. the root of the scene. It
stores a mapping string -> FieldContainer which allows looking up FC on
the server if you know its string key.

